Our guests will enjoy our themed rooms that include Toddler Beds, twice daily in room dining, daily housekeeping and leashed walks throughout the day for potty breaks.

Additional amenities for our guests include:
– Canine Yappy Hour (3:00-5:00pm)
– Feline Catch of the Day (3:00-5:00pm)
– Texted photos
– Individual Playtimes
– Treat-filled kongs.

We separate our canine and feline guest to minimize their stress.

What is required for grooming / boarding:
In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for your pet, we do require all new pets staying for boarding to have a pre-boarding exam with our veterinarian and written verification of current vaccinations from a licensed veterinarian. To expedite the check-in process, we recommend that all vaccine records be submitted prior to your pet’s arrival. For your convenience, records may be faxed to us at 702-570-6428 ir emailed to staff@magnoliapetwc.com. The following requirements apply to any cat or dog visiting us.

For Dogs
DA2PP required every 1 or 3 years
Rabies required every 1 or 3 years
Bordetella required every 6 months
Canine Influenza required annually
Fecal exam with negative results required every 6 months

For Cats
FVRCP required every 1 or 3 years
Rabies required every 1 or 3 years
Fecal exam with negative results required every 6 months
If your pet is not current on vaccinations, they can be administered at time of the Boarding check-in.